MadHattersWalk for Parkinson's

14th July 2024 – Llandysul, Wales

A fun, organised, guided walk in support of Newcastle Emlyn and Tivyside Parkinson's Support Group and Parkinson's UK Cymru.

Walking every day can drastically improve the ability to live an independent and fulfilling life, this is even more important for people with Parkinson's. Research has found that just 20 to 30 minutes of brisk walking a day may slow the progression of Parkinson's symptoms while improving gait, balance, tremor and flexibility.

Madhatters Walk for Parkinson's aims to encourage people with and without Parkinson's to join us and help to raise much needed funds for local and national Parkinson's charities.

Register to walk

All participants must register and raise the minimum sponsorship amount of £20. Sponsorship money will be collected on the day (please bring cash).

Download the sponsorship form to raise more funds!

The walks

Choose one of three guided walks (about 30 minutes, 2 hours and 4 hours duration) all starting and ending at Y Porth Hotel.

  1. Route A (about 30 minutes) – 13:30 start
  2. Route B (about 2 hours) – 12:00 start
  3. Route C (about 4 hours) – 10:00 start

Please note:

  • routes might change closer to the date
  • walkers must register before the 10th July 2024.

All walkers will qualify for a chance to win this year's painting, designed by the artist Rhiannon, which can be seen featured on our home page.

All walkers are encouraged to wear a 'mad' hat, the 'madder' the better. The winner of the 'maddest' hat will win a trophy! Both winners will be announced at Y Porth Hotel, after the walk.

All walkers will receive a medal and tea party drinks and cakes on completion.


In addition to the walk, anyone can purchase Raffle tickets to win a wide range of 'mad' prizes.

All proceeds are evenly split between Newcastle Emlyn + Tivyside Parkinson's Support Group and Parkinson's UK Cymru.

Friends and supporters

We would like to thank our many friends and supporters without whom this initiative would not be possible, including: